Wandering Pet: Meet Lola

Meet Lola

Wandering pets always present a problem. Meet Lola.  This little one wandered into my garage a few weeks ago. The temperature outside was nearing 100 degrees and she was hot and terrified.

She had somehow escaped from the protection of her owner and found her way to my house. Of course, I brought her into the house and gave her water and food. Lola is a lot like us when we are  wandering from the protective arms of our loving heavenly Father. We wander away and end up hot, thirsty, and alone.  Remember the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-24). He too had wandered away from the protection of his father.

Even when it seems we’ve been wandering too far outside of His divine protection, God always has someone ready to help us. He knows what we need and puts a ‘ram in the bush‘ (Genesis 22:13) to sustain us. I was thinking about how helping Lola reminded me of my heavenly Father’s loving care.

  • He provides water in dry places (Isaiah 43:19) We gave Lola water because she was panting so hard from wandering around out in the heat. I was worried she may have a heat stroke.
  • He sends food when we are famished (I Kings 17:6-16) We went to our neighbors to borrow some dog food because we do not have dogs. We were able to provide food for little Lola.
  • He provides shelter (Isaiah 25:4). We kept Lola for 24 hours. We provided shelter for her in our bathroom so she would not be wandering around the house at night getting into mischief.
The Wandering Son

Lola’s owner spent hours looking for her and calling out to her. God does the same for us. When we have willingly walked away from God, He calls us back repeatedly.  The story of the prodigal is our story. Our Father welcomes us back with open arms, forgiving our transgressions.

When we finally got in touch with the owner (Thank you Facebook) she came to pick up Lola and told us that she had prayed that Lola had found somewhere safe to spend the night. We told her that God sent her to us because He knew we would take care of little Lola. She was so thankful that God had provided for and protected her wandering pet.

If you have wandered away from the Father or know someone who is currently wandering, He is calling out for your return.  He loves you. Consider these words: ” Your sins were like a big cloud, but I wiped them all away. Your sins are gone, like a cloud that disappeared into thin air. I rescued and protected you, so come back to me.” (Isaiah 44:22)


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