Research Study: Afrocentric Mentoring at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs)

Research Study Participants Needed! I am in the process of finishing my dissertation and I am looking for research participants for my study. Scan the QR code or follow this link to determine if you meet the requirements. If you know someone who may, please share this flyer. Thank you in advance to all who participate.  

How to Work it in the Workplace

Work is something most of us have to do if we want to eat. Sure, we can be lazy and hope someone else will feed us; but I believe working was ordained by God and when we work, it brings Him pleasure (Ecclesiastes 5:19). Sometimes the workplace can be a hazardous place, not physically, but emotionally. God gives us some insight on how to Work it, in the Workplace. If you are having problems in your workplace these insights are for you. Be a planner.  What you do daily will determine your success. You cannot eat cookies, candy, and pie every Read More