God’s Goodness: Revealed in His Creation

Goodness is an attribute of God. He is Good all of the time. I have been thinking about God’s goodness and how we can see it daily as it plays out in all of creation (Romans 1:20). The sun shines on both the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:44-46). The rain falls and waters the earth. The seasons change whether we pay attention or not. The air we breathe is provided for us. The earth sits at exactly the right distance from the sun in order for us to survive. Take a look around and see all the wonders of Read More

God Hates Some Things: Not You!

God hates you. Have you heard that nonsense?  There are six, no seven things God hates and you are not one of them (Proverbs 6:16-19). It’s like God starts every day with an agenda to make you as miserable as possible. No, God would not do that. He absolutely loves you (1 John 3:1). But what about all the things going wrong in your life? Not God. What about your lack of a job or money? Once again, not God. I like milk. Really, I like milk, but unfortunately, milk does not like me. If I drink milk, it is Read More