Atmospheric Changes: Praise is Key

Atmospheric changes occur when you worship the Most -High God. Have you ever noticed the change in the atmosphere around you when you start praising God? Just as our natural climate changes when different objects are introduced into the atmosphere, our spiritual climate also changes when we introduce praise. I was reminded this week of how quickly the weather can change. I was on a cruise and on two separate occasions, the weather changed and interrupted my plans. One day we were on the beach and a storm came so quickly that we barely had time to get to cover Read More

Basics: Transformed and Chosen

Basics are those things which are fundamental in your Christian walk. Prayer, worship, love, faith, and giving. God is telling us to get back to the basics. Over the past few months I have felt like God is slowing things down. He is telling us to SLOW YOUR ROLL. It’s like a skier going downhill and as the momentum of the downward slop decreases, the skier starts to slow down as well. In this season, God wants us to get back to the BASICS of our faith. Spend more time in prayer and worship; increase your love walk (actively love, Read More

I Believe: Whose Report are you Going to Believe?

I believe we are in a season of change. I believe we have some decisions to make if we are to fulfill our calling. I believe that we have to stay connected to the source of our power, the Holy Spirit if we are to succeed in what God has called us to do. Sometimes we feel as if we are stalled on a dangerous highway with traffic rushing at us from all directions, but God. God has already made a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). We have to be willing to face those threats head-on for God is Read More

God Does Not Change

Weather changes often, especially here in Oklahoma.  God does not change.  For some of us 2017 started off with a blast of cold weather and ice storms; others had too much rain and tornados. Our weather here in Oklahoma, as usual, has been a roller coaster ride of warm temperatures (sixties and seventies) and cold, icy temps (below freezing and single digits). As we say here in Oklahoma, ‘Hate the weather, just wait 5 minutes, it will change’. I am so glad God does not change. No one can ever say about God, ‘Just wait 5 minutes and He will change’. Read More