Election Day 2016

It’s Election Day 2016. Good morning my fellow believers. Today is a great day. It’s the day the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice. I wanted to share a prophetic word I received in my email this morning. Thought it would bring encouragement to some; maybe not to others. Here it is:

Prophetic Word from Jennifer LeClaire

“The night before the election (last night at the time of this writing) I dreamed I was hosting a large prayer meeting for the nation. There was disorder among the intercessors and prophetic voices. Although many sincere believers were at the meeting crying out to God for the nation, others were there for greedy gain and recognition.
Another “intercessor” started pedaling unhealthy snacks in case people got hungry during the intercessory prayer meeting. Still other “intercessors” were just looking for an opportunity to prophesy before the large crowd that had gathered—they wanted to be seen by men.
Don’t take me wrong. I am not saying folks who are prophesying publicly have wrong motives. Some of them may, but not all of them do. Nevertheless, the dream disturbed my spirit.

us-election-picIn the dream, once we rooted out all the opportunists and merchandisers, the true intercessors remained. They were fewer in number, but there was order. It reminds me of Gideon’s Army. The Lord did not need a large number of warriors to defeat the enemy. He just needed those without fear in their hearts—the ones who would throw themselves into the midst of the battle headlong.

As I was considering this dream in the early morning hours, I heard six words clearly in my spirit: “Today, a kingdom will be toppled.” We all know what a kingdom is, but I looked it up anyway. One of Merriam-Webster’s definitions for kingdom struck me: “a politically organized community or major territorial unit having a monarchical form of government headed by a king or queen.” Take note of the words, “politically organized community.” Merriam-Webster defines topple as “to remove (a government or leader) from power.”

I’m still praying on this but felt an urgency to share this message today to encourage you to keep praying and to vote. Like Gideon’s army, we must not fear even if the outcome is not what we hoped. No matter what we see with our natural eyes, I believe a kingdom will be toppled today. What that looks like and how it manifests remains to be seen. But I’ve sensed a major shift in my spirit for the past 10 days that goes far beyond this election. It’s time for the ekklesia (the true church)  to arise.”

Yes, it’s Election Day 2016; but be encouraged. When we go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow God will still be on the throne no matter who is in the White House. Keep your weapons sharpened (2 Corinthians 10:4) and stay ready to do battle. For promotion and power come from nowhere on earth, but only from God. He promotes one and deposes another (Psalm 75:6-7).


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